Public Health

EPSDT Care For Kids

The EPSDT Care for Kids program provides routine physicals or well-child check-ups at specified ages. It is considered preventive care.

Preventive care is as important for your child's health as treatment is when he or she is sick. Proper preventive care helps keep your child healthy and is also linked to school readiness.

Shots are one of the most important preventive services for children. Shots (also called vaccines) protect your child from diseases such as polio, measles and mumps. Your doctor will check your child to make sure he or she is growing and developing properly. Your doctor will tell you what you can do to keep your child's teeth healthy. Your doctor may also give you advice on how to keep your child safe from accidents and injuries (for example, using car seats and seat belts and keeping your child away from poisons and electrical outlets). Your doctor will also talk to you about teaching your child healthy eating and exercise habits.

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